Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Blog: Growth - Failures

This is a series I am writing about blogging. It’s a reflection of the journey I have taken and highlights along the way.

I will go through the following topics related to my blogging journey in their own articles:

One area this blog has helped me grow as a person is writing about failures.

Writing about failures seems counter-intuitive in growing as a person. After doing five articles on failures, I know, writing about failures is one of the best ways to grow.

Soul Wrenching

When I write about a failure, I think deeply about the situation, probably on a deeper level than I want to. I remember my perspective, think about the other individuals involved, why I took the actions I did at that time, result of the action, the longer term picture, if I could do it all over again.

That process to just write is soul wrenching and yet, after every article, I feel better. I have lifted a great weight off my mind as I get closure.

One Step Further

I take the article one step further and share it with people that were there at the time. My intention is to apologize and demonstrate I forgive them.

Each time I have done this, I reconnected with people on a deeper level. This reconnection feels like “being friends after breaking up.”

Definitely Worth It

When I started this blog, the intention was to further my career and brand, not to share my failures.

Yes, I believe having this blog and contributing to it regularly is the key reason why I would even be able to achieve reconnecting with people from my past.

Being able to reconnect with old friends is worth the effort of putting in time to writing and posting.