Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Blogging: External - Interview Preparation

This is a series I am writing about blogging. It’s a reflection of the journey I have taken and highlights along the way.

I will go through the following topics related to my blogging journey in their own articles:

One of the main reasons I blog initially was having this: “easy interview”. It was a: “if you write, they will come” kind of fantasy.

Well, when I was looking for a job, this blog came in super handy in two different ways.

One way was the interviewing team already saw my blog and it answered all of their questions or concerns about me. The on-site interview went like this:

Interviewer: “So, I saw your blog” Me: “Great - what do you think?” Interviewer: “It’s good stuff. Solid.” Me: “Nice.”

Yes, that was how the whole interview went. It was amazing to have done all the preparation for an interview and to have the interview to just be a dialog like that.

If you think about it, the blog is hundreds of hours over years, which is greater than anything I could do to prepare for any one job.

The best time to start a blog is five years ago. The next best time is, now.

Next time, I’ll share another way this blog has helped in an interview scenario.