Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Sense of Time with Systems Framework

As I have a new framework to model thinking, System 1 and System 2 from Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman - I reflect back on my “deep thoughts” and apply the Systems framework to it.

One of my “deep thoughts” is the sensation of time depending on the perspective, especially around the restroom.

Given the same amount of time for both the person in the restroom and outside the restroom, the sense of time is wildly different.

The sense of time for the person in the restroom is short, relaxed, almost like time is nothing at all.

For the person outside the restroom, especially when they are more likely to need to use the restroom, time is long, drawn out, and a struggle.

What’s the difference??

Well, one doesn’t need more time because they’re relaxed. The other needs every moment more before they have an accident.

Applying the Systems framework, think of the person in the restroom using System 1, where they are just doing their habits. The person outside is using every ounce of energy engaging System 2 to control themselves.

Even though the amount of time is the same, the system engaged changes the sense of time.

This leads me to think:

  • When time is flying by, it’s more likely System 1 is in control.
  • When time is dragging on, System 2 is hard at work.

Next time you are doing an activity, time yourself and ask: how much time do I feel passed for the given activity and compare with actual time passed.

I bet those will be wildly misaligned thanks to System 1 or System 2.


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