Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Thinking Fast and Slow: Systems

I’m reading Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking Fast and Slow (TFAS) and really loving it. I don’t know why I didn’t read the book sooner because it touches on topics that interests me.

In TFAS, it is the first time I encounter the concepts of System 1 and System 2 thinking.

  • System 1: instinctual, immediate, almost habit like
  • System 2: deliberate, deep, conscious

Each of these systems are ways of thinking - both are happening at the same time and depending on the situation, one is running the show.

System 1 is when a dangerous situation presents itself and you act before you think.

System 2 is when you have time and you think before you act.

What’s interesting is how system 1 can influence system 2 in particular situations and conversely, system 2 can “program” system 1.

This framework of thinking is fascinating to me and makes me re-examine the way I think, slow it down, break it down and analyze it.

I’ll write more about this as I read more. I took a quick break and starting to read Thinking Fast and Slow again.

It’s a lot of work for my system 2.


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