Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Toastmasters Adventures: Challenges as Club President

This is a series on my adventures in a Toastmasters Club.

Being notified by the restaurant owner that we were not welcomed to meet at their establishment anymore, I, as club president, had to find a new club home.

The one thing the owner did that was nice is they gave us one month before stopping us from meeting.

This helped a little, the real challenge for me as club president is interesting on different levels:

  • I inherited the club home before - I was not part of the original search so I had no idea how the search happened the first time.
  • My German was not at a level where I could negotiate getting free meeting space for a non-profit club.
  • I was going to start my MBA degree in Frankfurt full time - so I had a deadline coming up.
  • I just moved into the area, and Germany in general, and had no idea what other facilities were around.

I had these challenges while maintaining operations of the club.

Let’s just say, I quickly regretting being club president.


Next, I try negotiating with the owner for the club’s home.