Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Design of Everyday Things - Natural Scrolling Mapping

I remapped my scroll mode on my computers from “Natural” to… “Unnatural” (?) and these are some of my thoughts on it.

At first, the new mapping frustrated me. I did one action expecting the opposite reaction.

  finger movement content movement
Natural downward upward
Natural upward downard
Unnatural downward downward
Unnatural upward upward

Why does “natural” map this way? Why doesn’t “unnatural” seem to be the natural method here?

When I use a smart phone, none of them that have a touch screen have such a setting for “scroll”, no matter the maker. Why is there a setting for the computer’s trackpad? Which mapping does a Phone map to? Natural or Unnatural?

On a phone, this is the mapping:

  finger movement content movement
Phone downward upward
Phone upward downard

Comparing this, the Phone maps directly to the “natural” mapping! Could this be why “natural” is this? It maps naturally to a phone?
