Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Problem Creep: Slowly Fix

Previously, I wrote about stopping work and fixing when solving the local development on-boarding is a problem.

Another way to fix the problem is slowly.

You might say: “We need to fix the problem NOW.”

That’s valid, it’s a problem now. stopping everything to fix it now is fraught with issues too. If you can afford to fix the problem now, go for it!

Most cannot afford to stop delivering results.

The problem crept into the workflow, the solution should creep in as well.

Fixing the problem slowly is a stable way to resolve technical problems of any kind, not just developer on-boarding.

The approach will be different for every situation. The idea is to:

  • Research the best goal you want the team to have.
  • Make time to chip away at the problem every single day/sprint.
  • Build momentum to create the solution is effortless for the team.

Integrate solution over time so there is a paradigm shift - making everyone wonder: why did we ever put up with the problem in the first place?!

The problem may have crept in, make the solution so good that the problem will never appear again.

Next, I will talk about technical debt difference