Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Shortcuts - Transfer to Apple Watch

This is part of a series:


In previous parts of this series, I went over setting up a Shortcut to display and get numeric entry. Creating a basic feedback loop for programming using Shortcut’s primitives.

This time - I share how to get that program onto Apple Watch.


When you create your own Shortcuts, you create a program just for you. If you can have that program on your Apple Watch, now you have the program wherever you are!


Getting Shortcuts onto Apple Watch is easy:

  1. Configure Shortcuts on iPhone
  2. Open Shortcuts on Apple Watch
  3. Run Program!

From iPhone

Open the Shortcuts app and on the Shortcut you want on your Apple Watch, tap the blue configuration ellipses just after the name of the Shortcut.

This is what it looks like for the Get Input Shortcut created earlier:

Shortcut - Add Alert

Tapping the blue configuration ellipses brings up another screen - Details, Privacy, Setup.

Under the Details section, toggle: “Show on Apple Watch” in the Apple Watch section.

Shortcuts - Shortcut Details

On Apple Watch

Find the Shortcuts app on Apple Watch, it has the same icon:

Shortcuts - Apple Watch App List

Open the Shortcuts app and it will list out Shortcuts on your Apple Watch. Here, there are two: Get Input and Make Water Entry

Shortcuts - Shortcuts List

Run Get Input Shortcut

If you have the Get Input shortcut from before, run it now by tapping on it.

Here - it’s running with new entry: 23

Shortcuts - Shortcut Input

Shortcuts - Shortcut Result



Creating a Shortcut opens up new possibilities on your iPhone. Getting the Shortcut on your Apple Watch enables you to have those possibilities everywhere your Watch is with you!