Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Thought from Walking Alone in Nature

The insight from Walking Alone in a City inspired another thought:

What is it like to walk alone in nature?

I am currently living in a rural place - one of the most rural places I have ever lived.

This place is so rural - there’s nature all around us. Sometimes too much nature. 😅

As our current place is so rural - we never walk anywhere. It’s just too far! When I see others walking around here, I wonder what’s wrong with them, what’s their story?

That’s the thing about walking alone in nature - you are really by yourself. There’s no one else to think about in terms of “stories” - there’s no one else around to inspire those stories.

In nature, all you have is yourself - so if you want something to think about - it’s whatever you have inside you.

That’s another insight - when you’re in a city, you can focus on the people around you. When you’re in nature, you focus on yourself.

Wait - the original thought was that, now that I wrote this out, I realize: there’s inspiration in nature too. Where I look at rocks now and wonder: how did that happen? What geological activity that caused it??

Interesting isn’t it?! What I was hoping to be a juxtaposition between city and nature turneed out to be nothing more than: what inspires you in an urban environment is different than a rural environment.

Writing is thinking!