Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Word: Certain

Words represent a lot - the word certain represent broad concepts in people and has one opposite: uncertain. I find the word certain a powerful word. What are concepts that can stand in for them that also have opposites to help define them better?

Two that come to mind: safe & danger, I wonder if these are synonyms for another pair of opposites: certain & uncertain.

  • When we are certain about something, it is safe. When something is safe, we are certain.
  • When we are uncertain about something, it is dangerous. When something is dangerous, we are uncertain.

When walking a path the first time, there’s uncertainty. If the path is lit and ground is solid, it is safe.

There is certainty in walking a familiar path, when conditions change and the path is dark and the ground is slippery, there’s danger.

Replacing safe and danger with certain and uncertain still makes sense.

Why am I going through these mental gymnastics?

In a way, I want to better understand certainty - a key need for all people.

  • “I want to be certain…”
  • “I am uncertain…”

What makes something one or the other? Why? How can we make one more or less the other (i.e. make something uncertain more certain, and vice versa.)

This idea came to me when traveling to understand the culture of the country I was visiting.

More on this as I think about it.