Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Burpee Workout Notes: Add Proper Plank

These are workout notes - they start from this post

After writing up about how I scale effort when I do my burpees in a previous post, I started to think about my own form when I was doing them.

I listed this as a burpee:

  • plank
  • pushup
  • legs thrust in
  • squat
  • jump

When I took my time during my workout, I thought: “Am I doing a burpee? As I described?”

I rushed through my workout and going for a workout that’s 10 minutes total. I was really beat after that and sometimes I focused on time so much, I skipped counting and sometimes forgot whole exercises!

By going slow, I noticed that my burpee was skipping the plank part. What I would do is right from landing the jump, I would go straight into a push up, or half way into a push up, bypassing the plank.

Now, I let myself take more than 10 minutes for my workout and I add that little extra time for a plank in the burpee. I am slower, but my arms more sore because I’m doing a proper: plank -> push up and not a: land -> push up.

If I’m going to do a burpee - let’s do it all and take my time.

Accept 10% today instead of 0% tomorrow