Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Burpee Workout Notes: Consistent Counting

These are workout notes - they start from this post

When I started my new workout, I only counted up to ten, even when there were exercises that had alternating sides (i.e. side lunge, Russian twists, mountain climbers).

For these exercises, I felt doing ten total for each side would reduce the exercise effectiveness, so instead of ten total, five for each side, I would do ten for each side, effectively counting to 20!

This increases my time and makes the workout harder - it’s a trade off to having consistency for the workout, getting ten workouts per side instead of just five would make things better in the long run.

When doing a workout that counts up to a value for each set and there’s variations between left/right and both - be consistent with the counting.

In this case, just counting to ten can work - even when alternating sides. I chose to have ten for each side when alternating - so I maximize the benefit for each side at the expense of total time.

Don’t just be consistent with counting, be consistent with the whole burpee