Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Writing Styles: Pantsers & Plotters - Plotting Ahead Lead

After reading an article on writing, it made me reflect on my own writing style. You can find the first article here

When I wrote my articles using the plotting method - I was afraid of missing a week because I knew I could not catch up as I spend all my time plotting.

One argument would be: “if you plotted well enough, you would just execute every day for your weekly articles instead of plotting during the week.

This is true - I did not plot far enough in advance that I could execute the weekly articles and not get wrapped up in plotting.

That would solve my: “Help, I’ve fallen behind and can’t catch up!” scenario.

Does plotting weekly blog articles relate to plotting a story? Sometimes, yes. I would plot enough for two or three articles - whenever I have so much content, I would slow things down by having multiple articles on a topic instead of one large one. Those weeks where I invested all the plotting up front, I could execute the next weeks on those sections.

Problem was - I would never plot more during the weeks I had a plotting by-week. I would squander the lead and keep on working the current article instead.

That’s why I am not a good plotter - I’m not consistent enough at just plotting.