Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Paradigm Shifts

Paradigm shifts are when there’s a great change, all levels of life.

The current paradigm shift happening is with artificial intelligence using Generative AI.

Paradigm shifts happen all the time - the funny thing about them, after they happen, you don’t realize there’s been a change. Paradigm shifts are pervasive through every part of our daily lives.

A recent paradigm shift: maps.

Do you know how to read a paper map? What north means?

When was the last time you were in a place where you couldn’t use your mapping device? When you asked someone for help, what did they do? Did they just bring out their mapping device and show you the way?

This is the craziest thing about maps - I lived at a time when GPS just started becoming accessible to consumers. Until then, people used paper maps to navigate around!

With the advent of mapping devices, first the GPS navigator, and now - with mobile phones everywhere, nobody has a paper map - is there even a museum for paper maps?!

That’s how powerful a paradigm shift is - all levels of life changes and the old ways are a forgotten memory. Similar to cars, remember how people go around before? It was the horse. How about the computer? The Internet?

We are going through this now AI - and as always, the best time to be alive?
