Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Farewell Riley

Another team member is departing and I want to share his contributions to the team. I will go over how he’s contributed and why it’s a big loss for me.

You will learn how the team member’s departure is hard and how I’m hopeful to staying in contact.

This article will take you less than two minutes to read.

Bridget Riley - Ascending and Descending Hero source and more information


Today is the last day for a colleague in our Chicago office, Riley.

With any colleague leaving the team, it’s always a loss, even if they are just transfering to another department. There needs to be extra effort in context updates, chit-chatting, and maintaining contact.

Riley’s Contributions

With Riley, his departure is heavy loss to me. The contributions he made allowed the application to be secure without numerous inconveniences associated with higher security on the user and development side. Maintaining this balance for both parties is not easy.

Riley’s contributions allow the team to focus on features, not guessing at security settings.

Gap Left

When Riley did his knowledge transfer session to the team, it really became apparent the amount of knowledge he had and we will have to make up for. It’s going to be tough for us to fill in the knowledge gap Riley’s leaving behind on security, infrastructure, and development.

Congratulations Riley!

At the same time, I understand our relationship isn’t meant to be forever. His next step is definitely exciting and part of me wishes I could do something similar.

Stay in Touch Riley!

I look forward to the next time we can meet, wherever and whenever that will be. My inbox is always open to you Riley, even if it’s to help dig yourself out of an emacs hole. :-)