Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Starting a blog with Poole and Github Pages


Starting a blog with Poole and Github pages is the easiest way for a programmer to have a blog online without paying for hosting while still having world class delivery.


The following instructions are what I used to get going and I’m writing it here for me to keep a record for myself. At the same time, point any one that is interested as well.

I originally followed this article found it fantastic. Many parts of my article will be very similar. Thanks Josh!

The following instructions are meant for someone that has some familiarity with git and Github. If you need help on any part (even git) I can be reached by my contact page

The blogging system used will be Jekyll, a static site generator using Ruby. Instructions for its dependencies the as follows:

Get rvm

rvm is Ruby Version Manager and is a great way to manage different versions of Ruby and gems. I have it installed on even a vanilla Linux system since the built in version of Ruby on most operating systems are a bit out of date.

Get rvm here:

Install Ruby with rvm

Make sure there’s a more recent version of Ruby installed on the system by running the rvm command:

rvm install ruby-2.1.5

tell rvm use use the ruby just installed:

rvm use 2.1.5

check that Ruby 2.1.5 is installed by running:

ruby -v

and the response on Linux will be:

ruby 2.1.5p273 (2014-11-13 revision 48405) [x86_64-linux]

note: at the time of this writing, ruby 2.3+ is out, but I have found 2.1.5 to be easier to get going with all associated gems. :-D

Install nvm

nvm is the node equivalent of rvm. It allows multiple versions of node to be installed at once. Node is required for Jekyll to handle JavaScript rendering.

To install in Linux:

curl -o- | bash

For other instructions and additional details:

Install node with nvm

nvm install 4.0.0

then tell nvm to use installed version by running: nvm use 4.0.0

check node is the right version by running command: node -v and the response will be: v4.0.0

Get Jekyll Gem

Jekyll is the blogging system I use to write, publish, and manage my blog. I love it because it’s basically a blog system by a programmer for a programmer.

gem install jekyll

check that Jekyll is installed by running:

jekyll -v

If a huge error starting with: 'autodetect': Could not find a JavaScript runtime. See for a list of available runtimes. (ExecJS::RuntimeUnavailable)

Make sure node is installed, running and using version 4.0.0 or above.

Get Poole

Jekyll by itself does not come with very much to start with. Poole is a world-class Jekyll theme for mobile and desktop to help get started right away.

Clone the Poole repo to a local folder by running command:

curl -Lo

unzip file by running: unzip

Test out site:

If running on a local machine, run: jekyll serve and open a browser to: http://localhost:4000

(If running on a remote server (i.e. EC2), add: --host, so the command is: jekyll serve --host and open a browser to: http://remote.server:4000

Jekyll is running in server mode and has output:

acl@edam:~/src/poole-2.0.0$ jekyll s --host
Configuration file: /home/acl/src/poole-2.0.0/_config.yml
            Source: /home/acl/src/poole-2.0.0
       Destination: /home/acl/src/poole-2.0.0/_site
 Auto-regeneration: enabled for '/home/acl/src/poole-2.0.0'
Configuration file: /home/acl/src/poole-2.0.0/_config.yml
    Server address:
  Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.

The page should look like the demo site on Poole.

poole demo

Push repo to Github page repo

Goto Github and signup/login. Create a new public repository with the name: #{ID}, where #{ID} is a github username. My personal github ID is: a-leung, so the repo name will be:

Change into the poole directory and run the following commands to initialize the git repo and push to github:

git init
git add .
git commit -m 'initializing site with poole'
git remote add origin [email protected]:a-leung/
git push -u origin master

note: change a-leung/ to your github ID.

Open site in browser

Goto: http://#{ID} and see the Poole site! (or checkout mine:

Congratulations, the site is now accessible to the world!


Cool. Now the blogging infrastructure has been setup, start creating posts!

Filename in Jekyll

Every post in Jekyll resides in the _posts directory and have a name format: Use an editor and create a new file with this name:

File content

In the file add the following content:

layout: post
title: Starting a blog with Poole and Github Pages

# Why?!

Starting a blog with Poole and Github pages is the easiest way for a
programmer to have a blog online without paying for hosting while
still having world class delivery.

The items between ---:

layout: post
title: Starting a blog with Poole and Github Pages

is called the front matter, and this tells Jekyll how to process the file. This file will be a post, with title: “Starting a blog with Poole and Github Pages”.

Build site with new post

With the new post created in the _post directory, Jekyll will build a new site, putting the posts in date order and re-arranging every page by running command: jekyll build

Optional: changes can be seen before pushing by running Jekyll serve: jekyll serve and opening browser browser to the local Jekyll http://localhost:4000, just like before

Publish new site

Now that the new site looks good with

Add changes to the git repo:

git add .
git commit -m 'ARTICLE: Starting a blog with Poole and Github Pages'
git push origin

Open in browser the github page before now will look like:

new post demo


Now comes the really hard part: writing! So the blogging framework/infrastructure is done, this is the routine I follow:

  • make new posts in the _posts directory
  • run: jekyll build
  • commit changes to git repository: git add .; git commit -m 'ARTICLE: new post'
  • push to github: git push origin


Whew, lots of detailed setup work, but it’s a great workflow for me. Again, if help is needed, please contact me. It took work for me to figure things out, and I will help you to get going as well.
